December 22, 2024

Putin: Woke Culture is Bolshevism!

To see how low western society has sunk thanks to the Progressive Cancel Culture, Vladimir Putin, an enemy of freedom and democracy, is now lecturing us on the damage “Wokeness” is doing to our culture. You can read an article containing all of his comments on this subject by following this link:

Bolshevism was the party of Lenin that took over the Russian Revolution and installed a totalitarian, murderous state.


Vlad is a expert on Bolshevism as he was a long time KGB agent. He said that woke culture is the same as bolshevism in several ways. First, they brook no disagreement. While Lenin and Stalin simply murdered their opponents, today’s progressives cancel you. Conservative speakers are disinvited from college campuses, congress people, like Marjorie Taylor Greene, are not given committee assignments, and the duly elected President of the United States is falsely accused of using, ironically, Putin’s help in getting elected. The truth was that Hillary and the DNC concocted the whole Russian hoax and the ensuing 2 1/2 year investigation greatly undermined much of his presidency. I would be willing to bet that viewers of CNN and MSNBC still believe the hoax even after the Mueller investigation found it to be unfounded. The power of repeating a big lie over and over again.


He also talked about the Bolshevist creation of “newspeak” to create a new culture. Today we are inundated with terms such as “birth parent” instead of mother and “human” milk rather than breast milk. If you state science that there are two genders with distinct attributes you are told you are “homophobic” and, if you are a sports coach in Virginia, you lose your job. They changed the pursuit of equality, the dream of Martin Luther King, Jr. to equity, which is actually just reverse racism. If you make the argument that white people are not born racist, you are called a racist. When words have no real meaning and those in power use these terms to harm their opponents, they’re Bolshevists.


They also seek to destroy history. The so called “progressives” (I am starting to like Putin’s term Bolshevists as more accurate as there is nothing progressive about limiting free thought and speech) want to destroy statues from the civil war, including those of Abraham Lincoln, the President who freed the slaves! They want to teach history from the perspective the founding of the country was 1619, when the British brought the first slaves to the New World, which is ridiculous. The Founding Fathers rightly posited that the true start of America was the landing of the Pilgrims, victims of religious persecution, who sought to create a society based upon equality and democracy.

I encourage you to read the whole story as it is amazing that even a despot can see how these woke American Bolshevists are destroying the fabric of our society. It is past time to stand up and resist these fascists.

2 thoughts on “Putin: Woke Culture is Bolshevism!

  1. My late father frequently said “the Russians won’t have to drop a bomb… if Americans don’t do it to ourselves, the Chinese will outnumber us”. Pretty smart guy for an independent businessman.

    1. Any businessman is smarter than politician. Reason Trump was so successful. He had a plan and worked it.

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