December 22, 2024

Race Relations Continued

As I said in my previous post, this is a very important topic in America. Unfortunately there are many lies about race relations that have perverted the discussion and have led to further divisions between people that should be unified as Americans. The progressive elites are working very hard to pit people against one another for one simple reason, power. To reclaim America we need to understand what is truth and what is fiction and reclaim the hope of the civil rights movement, a nation in which race is not a determining factor in how your life turns out.

I grew up during the civil rights movement and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of my earliest heroes. He still is and he continues to shape my thinking on race relations. His vision of a nation in which his children would prosper based upon the content of their character and not the color of their skin was correct and it is sad how far we have drifted from that goal. Today we are told that the color of your skin is your only important characteristic. It not only determines how you will live, according to the elites, but also how you must think. I have also been influenced by the writing of Malcom X, Thomas Sowell, Justice Clarence Thomas, and other black thinkers. Most recently I have come to appreciate the insights of Stacy Washington, hostess of Stacy On The Right radio program, and Candace Owens, a co-founder of Turning Point USA. Her podcast interview with Dr. Carol Swain is a marvelous insight into the thinking of two black female leaders who have been called “white supremacists” because they refuse to submit to the thinking of the liberal progressives. I would encourage you to this recent podcast on Prager U. I listened to it on Spotify, but I am sure you can find it wherever you get podcasts.

During the 60’s, as a child, I remember being captivated by the sights of the Freedom Marches and the unbelievable dignity of the peaceful black protestors who maintained King’s anti-violence approach despite beatings, lynchings, police attacks with dogs and firehoses and other violence. I developed a great admiration for them despite the fact that my own parents, being a product of the times in which they were raised, were profoundly racist. What held Black Americans together as a community was their faith and family. First and foremost King was a minister of the Word of God. He believed, correctly I believe, that racism is a great sin and should be rebuked by all men. Racism is a betrayal of God and inconsistent with the teachings of Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, not everyone agreed, though most Americans had their hearts changed by his message.

A little more history. Today the Republican party is blamed for all racism. This is incredible and not true. The Republican party was formed by Abraham Lincoln and founded on a policy of the abolition of slavery. The Democrat party was founded by Andrew Jackson who credited Thomas Jefferson for inspiration. Both were slave owners. While I personally believe that both men made some incredibly large contributions to our development, today’s progressives believe that anyone who owned a slave was bad and has no redeeming qualities, just evil. The annual Jefferson/Jackson Day Dinners must be a little uncomfortable, if they still occur. A little more recent history that is probably being erased. The Democrats were the party of the Confederacy and, during reconstruction, organized the KKK as their ground soldiers, much like Antifa today. Later, the father of the modern progressive movement, Woodrow Wilson, was a staunch segregationist and kept the federal government lilly white. The founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, promoted abortion as a way of cleaning up society’s gene pool to get rid of the genetically inferior, including Blacks. It was a Democrat governor of Arkansas, Orval Faubus, forced Republican President Dwight Eisenhower to send federal troops to integrate Little Rock HS to force compliance with the Brown vs the Board of Education, successfully argued before the Supreme Court by Thurgood Marshall of the NAACP and later a Supreme Court justice himself. It was Democrat senators that filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act and was only passed because the minority leader in the senate, Everett Dirksen, garnered the votes of the Republican senators. There is no wonder Democrats today want to cancel American history as theirs is not one they can be proud of. This legacy, I believe, continues in how Democrats think about Black Americans. They seem to believe Blacks are incapable of taking care of themselves and so must have a powerful federal government to provide for their needs. This has led to disastrous effects on the Black community.

A few examples. The Great Society created by Lyndon Johnson was supposed to eliminate poverty, specifically for Blacks. How has that worked out? We still have about the same percentage of people in poverty as we did in the 60’s in large part because we created a sense of dependency, rather than self reliance, that endures today. The government says you are not bright enough or hard working enough to provide for your own housing, food or health care, so we will do it for you. Families were discouraged by welfare plans as single Moms would get greater benefits for her children if there was no Father present. In 1965 75% of Black children were born into 2 parent households. Today that number is about 20%. Even Barack Obama, in a rare honest moment several years ago, said that the absence of Fathers was the greatest threat to Black America. An underlying principle of this is the idea that all Blacks are victims. You cannot succeed in a country that is based upon and still dominated by white supremacy. You have no future. Where has this led? First, dependency on the government. Second, education. While there are some really bad schools in urban areas, the bigger problem is a lack of parental support for students. If the cards are stacked against you, no matter what no one will ever hire you in a good job and you are going to live your life on the government dole, why bother with an education? In fact, why live a moral life? Who needs church and God when you have Uncle Sam? Perhaps you should not even bother having children. Abortions are very common in the Black community. In New York a Black child has a better chance of being killed in an abortion than living. Margaret Sanger’s dreams are coming true. This is a genocide of Black Americans on an unprecedented scale. Where is the outrage? Where are the supposed reverends, Jesse and Al, on this mass murder of their people? Finally, and I think the greatest irony of progressive thinking on race, if you are a victim of the White man then only White men can fix your situation. Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are all ready to fill that role. This great lie has transformed the Black Community into the biggest supporter of the Democrat party while the Democrat party’s policies keeps Blacks safely on the plantation. Ironic and cruel. Thankfully society is waking up and this is changing. President Trump received the largest share of the Black vote for a Republican since Eisenhower. This trend must continue for the benefit of Black Americans and society as a whole. Again, I don’t want unusually long blogs, so I will write more on this subject soon. In the meantime, I would love to hear opinions. If I am wrong on this idea of progressive liberals having created a society of victims and oppressors I would very much appreciate hearing why.