It seems every day the President announces another dumb idea. Two days ago he announced that he wants the federal government to go door to door to convince people to put a drug that has not been approved by the FDA into their arms, regardless of whether they want it or need it. Why? The most benign reason I can think of is his own ego. He, not the people nor their elected representatives, set an arbitrary goal of 70% of adults being vaccinated by July 4. The people, being stupid in the Democrat mind, did not comply with his wish and now the taxpayers will have to pay for the Gestapo to hit the streets and get the noncompliant back in line.
As usual, I like to stick to the facts. We know with certainty that the China plague is uniquely a killer of older people. I have seen reports that the average age of those who died from this disease exceeded the life expectancy, 78 vs. 77 for the country. Here are the death from Covid by age group from Statista as of 6/23/21:
85+ = 30%, 75 – 84 = 27%, 65 – 74 = 22%. In total people aged 65 and over represent 79% of all deaths! Children aged 17 and younger were only 324 of the total of 592,682 deaths, statistically insignificant. People aged 50 – 64 represented another 16%, meaning people aged 49 and younger represent just 5% of the total. Why in the world would we be forcing people younger than 50 to get a vaccine for something that would be no worse than the flu? Furthermore, if you are vaccinated, why do you care if someone else is not? If you are vaccinated you cannot give the virus to another and you can’t get it from others. The vaccine is readily available and adults should be able to make up their own minds because in a free country we rely upon responsible adults to make up their own minds and decide what is best for their children, not the government.
The above vaccination numbers do not include the 29 million people who have recovered from Covid and thus have natural immunity from it, immunity that most medical experts say is better than what you get from the vaccines. We also know that getting a vaccine when you have natural immunity can lead to it’s own health issues, yet no one ever acknowledges these people. For them, it is still vaccinate or be punished. How can you be punished? Many employers are mandating that their employees get vaccinated to retain their jobs and many schools are requiring children be vaccinated to return to school this fall. We have already destroyed the last year and a half of education for our children and now we will insist that children get a vaccine they don’t need and can cause even worse health issues for them. Young males are getting a rare heart disease from the vaccines. Why are we exposing our kids to these risks? Parents should be demanding that schools end this policy and should be writing their state representatives to outlaw the practice for both K-12 and colleges.
Finally, since the President and his party love playing identity politics, let’s talk about the racial component of vaccinations. While the President likes to blame Republicans for low vaccination rates, as the above numbers show, us old, white conservatives have, by and large, gotten our vaccinations. (This includes me as I am not an anti-vaxer, I just believe in individual responsibility.) However, while the data is sketchy as many people don’t want to identify themselves by their race, again, stupid people who have not gotten the Democratic message that one’s skin color is the only important characteristic that we have, it appears that Blacks and Hispanics are getting vaccinated at lower rates than Whites. I don’t know why this is the case, but I have heard some suggestions from Biden. For Blacks he said there was still a concern over the syphilis trials conducted on poor black men in Tuskegee, AL from 1932 – 1972 (note: Biden, as usual, gotten his facts somewhat wrong as he said that the trials conducted by the CDC was done on the brave Tuskegee Airmen. No.) Bottom line, there are many rational Black people making a rational, personal decision. Someone from the same CDC says you should participate in a trial, many Blacks say no thank you. For Hispanics, he said they may not want to get vaccinated because they are afraid that it will lead to their deportation. Let’s ignore the obvious racism contained in that statement as, despite his best efforts to increase the number of illegal immigrants in the country, the vast majority of Hispanics are here legally and know it. The bottom lines is whether you are Black, Hispanic, White, Asian or Native American you should have the right to make your own decision on whether to put an experimental drug into your body. It should not be the role of our federal government to confront you at your own home and try to badger you into getting a shot you don’t want, regardless of the reason. I also don’t know who would volunteer to do this job as you know there will be some ugly confrontations. Personally I will tell the government thugs that it is none of their business if I am vaccinated and will then shut my door in their faces. I discussed this door to door campaign with a medical professional the other day and she said she could hear the ratcheting of shotguns as soon as Biden made his announcement. I hope that does not occur, but the Feds have no business going to private homes to convince the citizens to do anything.
At the beginning I said that the President was going down this road due to his ego and wanting to badger people because they are ungrateful for what he is doing for them. His ego also prevents him from thanking his predecessor, Donald Trump, for getting the vaccine developed in less than a year and had the foresight to purchase hundreds of millions of doses even before the trials were started. This allowed the vaccines to start being administered in December, before Biden took over, just weeks after the FDA had given them their preliminary approval. Operation Warp Speed will go down in history as one of the greatest miracles in medicine. You are a very small person if you cannot acknowledge this tremendous achievement. However, Biden is a life long plagiarist and has no qualms about taking credit for someone else’s work. My darker belief is that this is just another way for the Democrats to exercise control over the populace and chip further away at our civil liberties. We cannot allow this to continue.